about us

APT Presentations has successfully coached and trained International Speakers and improved the quality of Presentations for hundreds of international events since its beginnings in the 1990s.

Over 30 years ago, we recognized that even if computer aided tools like PowerPoint allow more people the freedom to TECHNICALLY create visual aids, that the HUMAN act of presenting suffers immensely. Presenters too often confuse the tool with what the tool is supposed to do. Many presentations today are no longer an ACT of HUMAN communication, but rather a computer-based slide show where presenters rely too much on technology to do their work. The result is an overall drop in quality of art of oral communication to audiences. We are all too familiar with the Death By PowerPoint syndrome. This is even more evident with the arrival of tools like Webex, Skype, Zoom, Meet or Team.

they trust apt

Steve Dillingham

Founder & presidentof of APT Presentations


Steve is a high-level presentation coach who sees over 600 presentations per year.  He has over 20,000 hours of training experience and has developed extensive knowledge in the aviation industry. His engaging and unique marketing-oriented style for content organization and presentation coaching has proven successful with international firms for 30 years. Steve is best known for his capacity to simplifying communication in presentations and speakers, while boosting self-confidence among speakers.

Patrick Cossar

Managing Director of APT Prtesentations


Patrick brings concrete managerial operational experience and aeronautical expertise to coach managers faced with communication challenges linked to Change Management programs. Patrick is also a professor of Change Management and Strategy for the Masters programs in various business schools, and has over 30 years of management experience. He specializes in coaching managers in the development and communication of strategic messages with an operational goal to train managers to create motivating and mobilizing communication for their teams.

Bob Larcher

Senior Director of Executive Leadership Programs


Bob is a highly experienced international leadership development practitioner. He ran his first leadership development programme in 1986 and has accumulated around 4000 days of training, facilitating and coaching. He works with people at all organisational levels for corporate giants, start ups, charities and the public sector. He is an accredited Master Mental Toughness Trainer, an accredited Insights Personal Profile practitioner and an accredited practitioner of the UK institute for Outdoor Learning. He helps people to develop their leadership attitude, energy and awareness in order to fully incarnate their leadership capacity.

Frank Shreiber

senior director of emotional intelligence


Over the years, as an Operations Executive, I have been asked to give countless presentations to all types of audiences, customers, peers, board of directors, students; in various cultures, and with different levels of expertise.  Every presentation of mine was preceded with (some) hesitation, sweaty palms, racing heartbeat, and the always recurring question – what am I doing here?  These are not negative feelings – they are NORMAL.  The difference between an average presentation and a great presentation, is how you deal with these ‘reactions’, and more importantly how you deliver the message. 

In the past few years I have been fortunate to share my successes and failures as a presenter.  Today, I continue to mentor / coach individuals interested in improving their ‘presence on stage’.  It all starts with Audience TRUST which is directly linked to being credible, reliable, empathic, and self-aware.

Xavier Burgat

Senior director of sales and marketing strategy


Xavier as former CEO of 2 start-ups companies will help you transmit vision and energy. He also brings his 25 years of Aeronautical industry experience, dealing with different cultures in every region of the world. Running worldwide activities for a leading company he has a wide knowledge of international business and helps you adapt your messages to your audience.  With his conference speaker experience around the world and international management experience specialized on people development he helps you create ‘’your’’ story, catch your audience’s attention using emotions making your messages more efficient and make public speaking an exciting experience. Being an aircraft private pilot, he is a human factors specialist.

Peter Lake

Senior Training Consultant


Peter is specialized in relational presence coaching where active listening and interpersonal connection are required for both large and small group presentations. He has trained engineers for over 20 years and has a vast experience in communication skills needed for professionals. Peter coaches the soft human communication skills of building eye connection and storytelling to create a more cooperative atmosphere in presentations.

Tom Babits

Senior Engineering Consultant


Tom is a former IT engineer in the aerospace industry who shares his 40+ years of engineering and coaching with engineers for conferences, internal road shows, and technical assessments. His engineering credentials allow him to challenge and coach engineers for internal and external presentations. Tom has coached hundreds of different speakers ranging from Research & Technology, Structures, Flight Tests, and Flight Physics.

Myriam Babits

Stress Management Consultant


Myriam is specialized in training and coaching managers, engineers and executives in dealing with stress management due to presentations and public speaking.  As a qualified Caycedienne sophrologist and relaxation therapist, she addresses the human factors linked to stress in public speaking to allow speakers to better cope with the anxiety related to presenting business and technical subjects to small and large audiences. Myriam allows speakers to identify and concentrate on the origins of their stress to better learn how to reduce the negative effects and envision positive outcomes for their presentation situations in front of any audience.

Eric Graër

Senior Training Consultant


Eric specializes in Speaking and Persuasive Skills, Interpersonal Communication for Trainers and Managers and Customer Relationships. He has a certification in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), has thorough command of Non Violent Communication concepts (Thomas Gordon methodology) and is well versed in the Palo Alto problem solving approach. Eric specializes in training trainers to master their capacities in efficient knowledge transmission for better participant motivation and performance.

Julien Dillingham

Executive Assistant and LEAD trainer riact course

French – American

Julien Dillingham has been living with presentation coaching and training business his entire life, as the son of the founder of APT Presentations, Steve DILLINGHAM.  Since the age of 16, Julien has participated in the courses run by APT Presentations and has contributed to its success by the development of several training films, images, slides and training material used to this date.

Julien brings hands-on expertise in web communication, sales and marketing strategies as well as his enthusiasm and energy to prepare speakers for better oral communication using the right rhetoric, storytelling and voice skills

Kevin Dillingham


French – American

Nowadays, successful Digital Marketing strategies rely on short, dynamic and punchy films with trending styles of video editing such as Motion Design, Special Effects and 3-Dimensional Rendering. 

I use this new style of creativity to give APT Presentations a huge step ahead when it comes to communicating in social media campaigns.

Alban Azaïs

Senior Training Consultant


Alban is a high-level expert in international communication and management, especially in the aircraft industry. In his career as a professor and board member at the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, ENSICA and finally at ISAE-SUPAERO for nearly forty years, he has over 20,000 hours of training experience in communication skills and intercultural communication. As a civil servant of the French Army dept (Air Force Lt.-col.), he coached special forces and military sales forces for about twenty years for international operations. In parallel to his academic career he managed his own communication and marketing company for about forty years. Alban is an empathetic coach and strong connoisseur of how to boost self confidence and natural authority in order to provide leadership by a holistic approach.