Il y a plus de 30 ans, nous avons reconnu que même si les outils assistés par ordinateur comme PowerPoint permettent à plus de personnes de créer TECHNIQUEMENT des aides visuelles, l’acte HUMAIN de présenter en souffre énormément. Les présentateurs confondent trop souvent l’outil avec ce que l’outil est censé faire. Aujourd’hui, de nombreuses présentations ne sont plus un ACTE de communication HUMAINE, mais plutôt un diaporama informatisé où les présentateurs s’appuient trop sur la technologie pour faire leur travail. Le résultat est une baisse globale de la qualité de l’art de la communication orale au public. Nous ne connaissons que trop bien le syndrome de Death By PowerPoint. C’est encore plus évident avec l’arrivée d’outils comme Webex, Skype, Zoom, Meet ou Team.
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Bob is a highly experienced international leadership development practitioner. He ran his first leadership development programme in 1986 and has accumulated around 4000 days of training, facilitating and coaching. He works with people at all organisational levels for corporate giants, start ups, charities and the public sector. He is an accredited Master Mental Toughness Trainer, an accredited Insights Personal Profile practitioner and an accredited practitioner of the UK institute for Outdoor Learning. He helps people to develop their leadership attitude, energy and awareness in order to fully incarnate their leadership capacity.
Tom is a former IT engineer in the aerospace industry who shares his 40+ years of engineering and coaching with engineers for conferences, internal road shows, and technical assessments. His engineering credentials allow him to challenge and coach engineers for internal and external presentations. Tom has coached hundreds of different speakers ranging from Research & Technology, Structures, Flight Tests, and Flight Physics.
Xavier as former CEO of 2 start-ups companies will help you transmit vision and energy. He also brings his 25 years of Aeronautical industry experience, dealing with different cultures in every region of the world. Running worldwide activities for a leading company he has a wide knowledge of international business and helps you adapt your messages to your audience. With his conference speaker experience around the world and international management experience specialized on people development he helps you create ‘’your’’ story, catch your audience’s attention using emotions making your messages more efficient and make public speaking an exciting experience. Being an aircraft private pilot, he is a human factors specialist.